People's Rag
Created in July 1991, People's Rag was then a small boutique in the historic heart of Montpellier that offered a selection of imported US second-hand clothes, sorted and presented as collections. This atypical offer was very quickly enriched with US imported products such as Stüssy and Fresh Jive, Californian brands that Olivier Sudre, the main founder of People's Rag, had known during his years of film studies in Los Angeles. People's Rag quickly became a must-see for all fans of "vintage" and a platform for representing the pioneers of "urban fashion" such as Sessùn, Home Core, Lady Soul, YMC, Daniel Poole... and more particularly the brands Geda and Epure, created and developed with the stylist Gérald Rossi on the French and international markets from 1994 to 2003. Due to the position that Montpellier held on the music scene at the time, People's Rag naturally became a privileged partner of local and regional events such as Boréalis or Attitude. During these years, many DJs ("big" and "small") have given us the pleasure of coming to mix their favorite sounds at "People's".
Today, a few years later, People's Rag has grown, changed format and moved to another location, but "People's" has not aged! Through its three floors associated with the heritage of urban brands, it meets the expectations of the ever-present clientele, but also those who were born when People's Rag was created.